Why the International Avaya User Group?
At 20,000 users strong, the International Avaya User Group (IAUG) is one of the world's largest international organization for communications technology professionals. As the forum for the global Avaya customer community, IAUG provides a voice and resource for Avaya customers everywhere. IAUG is by customers, for customers. We want to provide the platform for Avaya users to connect and work together to troubleshoot, network, and learn.

IAUG's primary goals are to:
Who is IAUG?
Where Are We Located?
As an international organization, we have representation all across the globe. Our biggest representation is in the United States of America, but we're always looking to expand. If you don't have a chapter near you and feel there's a need for one, let us know!
Our Community
Our one-of-a-kind community has been designed to give members unparalleled access to industry leaders, Avaya executives and experts, and networking with peers facing the same challenges through the digital transformation in their organizations. Together, we share ideas and solve common problems; all while advancing our knowledge and directly influencing Avaya product development.
At IAUG we believe in the power of collaboration. We're not just an organization — we're an advocate. And together we'll continue to empower our members with the resources they need to protect their investments, expand their networks and directly influence Avaya product development. Want to join us?